TheB&C Group have made the formal announcement that they will be taking directcontrol of all B&C Speaker product distribution in China, effective July1,2024.
GroupCEO, Lorenzo Coppini, noted "While establishing the Group's firstmanufacturing and distribution location in China this past fall, it becamequite obvious that we had a great team. An organization that is quite capableof serving the Chinese market in a more direct and effective manner."
TheB&C Group established a new 6,000 square metre manufacturing anddistribution facility in Dongguan, China (Zhongtang Town) after purchasingEminence Speaker's Chinese production facility in the fall of 2023. All factoryworks were recently moved to a new building, located just a few kilometres fromthe original Eminence location. .
Whilethe B&C Group has no plans to produce B&C branded products in China forthe foreseeable future, they will continue to produce transducers under theEminence brand name as well as OEM transducers focused primarily on the proaudio and MI product categories.
"Wewould like to thank JJ Chen, Kevin Lin and all of the Baisheng staff for theirdecades of hard work and dedication towards establishing B&C Speakers as amarket leader in China. We could never have done it without them.", addedRon Tizzard, CMO and Sales Director for the Group.
B&Chas also announced that former Baisheng Sales Manager, Kevin Lin has now joinedthe B&C Group team as Sales Manager - B&C Speakers brand (China). Kevinwill be working closely with Walter Su, Sales Manager - Eminence Speaker brand(China) to cover the needs of all B&C group customers in the region.
集團首席執行官Lorenzo Coppini指出:“去年秋天,我們在中國建立了集團的第一個生產和分銷中心,很明顯,我們擁有一支優秀的團隊。一個完全有能力以更直接、更有效的方式服務中國市場的組織。”
B&C集團于2023年秋季收購Eminence 在中國的生產設施后,在中國東莞(中堂鎮)建立了一個新的6000平方米的生產和分銷設施。所有的工廠最近都搬到了一個新的建筑,距離原來的位置只有幾公里。
雖然B&C集團在可預見的未來沒有在中國生產B&C品牌產品的計劃,但他們將繼續生產Eminence 品牌的產品,以及主要專注于專業音頻和MI產品類別的OEM喇叭單元。
“我們要感謝JJ陳、林華冠和百聲全體員工幾十年來的辛勤工作和奉獻,使百聲成為中國市場的領導者。沒有他們,我們不可能做到這一點。”集團首席營銷官兼銷售總監Ron Tizzard補充道。
B&C同時宣布,前百聲銷售經理Kevin Lin 林華冠先生現已加入B&C集團團隊,擔任B&C揚聲器品牌(中國)銷售經理。Kevin將與Eminence 品牌(中國)銷售經理Walter Su密切合作,以滿足該地區所有B&C集團客戶的需求。